Posts Tagged: self help books

One Original Formless Stuff

“We assert that there is one original formless stuff, or substance, from which all things are made. All the seemingly many elements are but different presentations of one element; all the many forms found in organic and inorganic nature are but different shapes, made from the same stuff. And this stuff is thinking stuff; a […]

You and All that You are Concerned with are Moving on Toward Completeness

“We go back here to the matter of the point of view, for. besides being vitally important, it is the one which is likely to give the student the most trouble. We have been trained. partly by mistaken religious teachers, to look upon the world as being like a wrecked ship, storm-driven upon a rocky […]

The Purpose of Life for Man is Growth

“The purpose of life for man is growth, just as the purpose of life for trees and plants is growth. Trees and plants grow automatically and along fixed lines; man can grow, as he will. Trees and plants can only develop certain possibilities and characteristics; man can develop any power, which is or has been […]

Eat What You Want, When You Are Hungry

“You cannot build and maintain a perfectly healthy body by mental action alone, or by the performance of the unconscious or involuntary functions alone. There are certain actions, more or less voluntary, which have a direct and immediate relation with the continuance of life itself; these are eating, drinking, breathing, and sleeping. No matter what […]